Wednesday, March 26, 2008


In my sr. litters I have most bunnies already reserved or wait listed!!

Paris' Two does: Keeping Both until convention-Wait listed/reserved for Jessica Roberts, (Bumblebeary Angoras) and Suzanne Featherston

Mariah's Two Bucks: Keeping One- Other is Waitlisted/Reserved Carolyn O'donaly

Emily's Doe and Two Bucks- Doe:Keep, Bucks: Keep and Waitlisted/Reserved for Jessica Roberts(Bumblebeary Angoras)

Drama Queens 4 does and 1 Buck- Buck: Possibly Available. Does: One Waitlisted/Reserved for Carolyn O'donaly, 2 Keeping, One: Possibly Available

Out of My Sr. Litters For Convention the ones in Bold are the only ones still available. I Can still put you on a wait list for babies out of certain rabbits or for babies out of my Jr. Litters for convention which are listed below.

Countryside Aurora X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Premonitions X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Mudslide X Hunneshagen's Nikko

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