Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Angora Nationals!

Congrats to all the winners!!! I hope to have some pictures to post soon! Our own Jack and Karin Baily won BIS in the Open national show! AND DRUM ROLL PLEASE.........Kristine Leverich of WI who has purchased numerous Countryside bunnies won BOV White in the Open National show with a buck that was just barely a sr.!!!! Congrats Kristine!!! Her buck has the same sire as BIS GC Countryside Paris who won BIS Youth at the 2007 ARBA Convention and is now raising two gorgeous baby girls!! Congrats Again to all the winners!!!!


Anonymous said...

Don't click on the comment link above everyone "here"....

It is one of those spam ones that if you click on it will download a virus spyware on your computer. Collin-you may want to change your comment blog settings to not allow these types of spam comments.

Collin-countryside angoras said...


Thanks Kristine!!! All fixed...now you have to type what is says in the box to post!

Anonymous said...

Cool-glad you caught this. There was one earlier on a previous post that I checked out and it was a virus. I had to use the Go Back program on the computer to revert back to before the virus loaded. It is amazing how these hackers try to infilitrate computers with this junk!