Saturday, October 27, 2007
Proper Convention Behavior!
"The ARBA Convention for 2007 has come and gone. Most of us are still tired and trying to catch up on chores at home. Tonight I was reflecting on the highest level of competition we as rabbit breeders participate in. The protocol for blind judging should give every exhibitor a fair and unbiased assessment from a qualified judge. Coop numbers and rabbit runners should assure anonymity. Exhibitors must refrain from "table talk" either with the judge or close to the judge. Perhaps as exhibitors we should be more careful to treat Convention; its judges and all exhibitors with more respect. The judge should not know who the owner is until BOB is over. The rabbits condition, type, and adherence to the Standard of Perfection should be the only thing judged. We do not compete with people; we compete with the Standard. The prize is in creating the most correct example of the English Angora possible. The real happiness comes from doing you best job, attending to details and loving care of your rabbits.and as my mother used to say: play nice"WRITTEN BY SILVERTONE ANGORAS!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
A Tribute!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Home at last, with good news to boot!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Eyes, Eyes and more Eyes!!!
There isn't much to report to day. In Question's litter of four have opened their eyes and looking very cute!! One thing that I want to put in the blog today is the importance of risers for convention!
Come on angora breeders you know how much ya need em. Make sure that you have your risers completed before we leave for convention! As always be sure to bring EXTRA pieces of wire because most likely the cages won't be the size they are supposed to be. You really should make them so that they are at least 1 and 1/2 inches above the floor but for me 2 inches is preferred.
When people make the risers that are only 1 inch off the floor long coats go right through the wire and soil.
I have also included a picture of our colored buck for convention! GCSilvertone Jesse James is an amazing buck! Many thanks to Linda Cassella. I got Jesse as a weanling and have done all the work since. He is an AMAZING animal with extremely dense wool. He is a lavish blue tort with a beautiful suede nose.
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
My lil' Buddy

She calls me her boyfriend. She met me when I went out to angora nationals in May. Ever since then she has just adored me. I have included a picture of her with her bunny snowball. We will be sharing a room with Kristine and Katherine at convention. Katherine is so excited.
Katherine has taken the dutch as her project and she has done VERY well. She won the best steel display youth at dutch nationals with only two rabbits entered! Katherine is only about 4 so this is a huge accomplishment! She is a big help in the bunny barn, she helps her mom feed and water every night. She picks which rabbits she wants bred and even checks the babies when they are born. This is one intelligent little lady!!
I have two does due October 12th:
Reg. Countryside Mariah X Reg. GC Countryside Mohammed
Reg. Silvertone Drama Queen X Reg. GC Countryside Mohammed
Saturday, October 6, 2007
The Mystery Uncovered!!

Friday, October 5, 2007
Our Newest Arrivals!!!
Countryside's Going to Convention!!!