Pictured above is My BIS doe Adore's Emily! The picture to the right is our colored doe line-up for convention! I picked Emily out at 8 weeks old and have groomed and cared for her since!
Here at Countryside Angoras we are all geared up for the Michigan Convention. We will be arriving on Friday so that we have plenty of time to get the bunnies comfortable in their cages before the crowd arrives.
My good friend Linda Cassella's theory is behind our arrival! As she has told me many times one of the MOST important aspects of convention is having your bunny(s) comfortable in the their cage. Since we are arriving on Friday the bunnies can have all of Saturday to just sit in their cages after the long trip(9 hours) and get used to the surroundings.
I am VERY excited about convention!!! This will be my first convention and I have only been breeding for almost 2 years. For those of you who don't know me my name is Collin Burns. I am only 14(going on 15) but I do show in open and will have bunnies entered in open at MI. Since I started showing I have taken over youth sweeps points and have done incredibly well. All of my points are earned in open though!!! I show against Linda Cassella((Silvertone Angoras)BIS ARBA convention 05' at INDY the largest ARBA convention EVER held and Best in Group last year as a combined entry with Margaret Barthold. They won with Silvertone Carmella) I am able to grand bunnies and recently won my first ALL BREED BIS!!!
Linda is my mentor and and has helped me a lot. I wouldn't be as far along as I am without her help!! I do put in the work that it takes to make a winning English and believe that every rabbit should have quality care!
I am taking bunnies to convention that I feel are quite beautiful!
I have one litter in the nest box now and have completed my fall breedings. These bunnies will be my entry for the Angora National Show in Sedalia Missouri. Some of these bunnies will be available so If you are interested email me at JJan1993@aol.com. Also check out my website for additional information on the buns http://burnsangoras.tripod.com/!!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you in MI!!!!!
Very nice Blog Collin! Can't wait until Convention also-Katherine is excited about getting to spend time with you and the bunnies!
Thanks Kristine I love yours too!!!!!!
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