Their sire is GC Silvertone High Voltage 16 legs(some youth) a FULL brother to my GC Silvertone Jesse James! The Dam is Charlie's Electra who has 9 legs. She was 1st place and best wool at the 2005 Convention in Indy(youth)!!!!
The does are Alex's Angora Acres Starfire: She has 2 BIS youths 5 BOB and 4 legs. She is an awesome blue tort. Pictured Below!

The other is Alex's Angora Acres Aries: Best Youth Wool at Convention(BOB+BIS GC Countryside Paris was not entered in wool) 5 BOB's and 4 legs. She has been shown in OPEN a lot! Pictured Below!

Alex has AWESOME bunnies and I expect her to do great this weekend at PASRBA! Unfortunatly I only have a young jr. doe to show right now so I won't be taking any BOB's.....:(