Their sire is GC Silvertone High Voltage 16 legs(some youth) a FULL brother to my GC Silvertone Jesse James! The Dam is Charlie's Electra who has 9 legs. She was 1st place and best wool at the 2005 Convention in Indy(youth)!!!!
The does are Alex's Angora Acres Starfire: She has 2 BIS youths 5 BOB and 4 legs. She is an awesome blue tort. Pictured Below!

The other is Alex's Angora Acres Aries: Best Youth Wool at Convention(BOB+BIS GC Countryside Paris was not entered in wool) 5 BOB's and 4 legs. She has been shown in OPEN a lot! Pictured Below!

Alex has AWESOME bunnies and I expect her to do great this weekend at PASRBA! Unfortunatly I only have a young jr. doe to show right now so I won't be taking any BOB's.....:(
that picture of the 2nd one has nasty coat chewing going on
That was extremely rude and uncalled for! Plus if your going to post something rude like that, have the backbone to sign with your name!
Someone needs to grow up! Not leave such rude remarks.
Some people are just spoil sports! I hope you win Alex!
The 2nd picture is really nasty. Looks like someone got stuck inside the dryer! LOL
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