Well we had a GREAT time at the Fulton show yesterday! I didn't win much with my 2 1/2 month old jr. doe or my 5 month old sr. doe but I still had a great time! The junior doe was one of the blue tort does out of the Jesse James and Mudslide litter and she did win the colored jr. doe class is the first show out of a whopping two rabbits. The sr. doe is really a jr. out of the Mariah and Mohammed and her name is Countryside MoonShine. She had to be shown in the sr. class becuase she was over junior weight. I am very pleased with the type on these animals! They have absolutly gorgeous bodies with lots of width carried all the way to the table!
My good friend Lori from Liberty Junction Angoras who owns Countryside Promise was there and she did great! She won BOS in the first show with Countryside Jasper and her amazing colored doe Countryside Cher was 2nd in a large and tough sr. doe class in both shows, you better be watching for Cher this spring! Lori had purchased Promise bred to Frick last August and these babies are a product of that. WAY TO GO LORI!
I also got to meet Catherine Styles of Buttercup Bunnies who is purchasing BIS GC Bbeary's Sposabella from Jessica Roberts. She was a wonderful person and I am happy to say that she reserved the GREAT REW buck available out of Drama Queen. So he is no longer available! Jessica was also at the Fulton show and we had a great time! Her rabbits looked great and her little buck GBF's Legend was just adorable! There was a woman coming around and said she was from a local radio station and asked us a bunch of questions and recoreded our answers it was a little odd but it was fun!
Brenda Hunneshagen who has incredible rabbits and has absolutly phenominal brokens was at the show and it was a treat to get to see her becuase Brenda and I are good friends but she doesn't come to shows that often anymore. Brenda won BOB in the first show with a REW sr. doe. Of Course Linda Cassella was there and she won BOB in the 2nd show with GC Silvertone Miss Lover Letters who was the 2nd place colored jr. doe at convention.
I am updating my website today so check it out at http://burnsangoras.tripod.com
Thats all for now! Email if you are interested in bunnies! JJan1993@aol.com
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
In my sr. litters I have most bunnies already reserved or wait listed!!
Paris' Two does: Keeping Both until convention-Wait listed/reserved for Jessica Roberts, (Bumblebeary Angoras) and Suzanne Featherston
Mariah's Two Bucks: Keeping One- Other is Waitlisted/Reserved Carolyn O'donaly
Emily's Doe and Two Bucks- Doe:Keep, Bucks: Keep and Waitlisted/Reserved for Jessica Roberts(Bumblebeary Angoras)
Drama Queens 4 does and 1 Buck- Buck: Possibly Available. Does: One Waitlisted/Reserved for Carolyn O'donaly, 2 Keeping, One: Possibly Available
Out of My Sr. Litters For Convention the ones in Bold are the only ones still available. I Can still put you on a wait list for babies out of certain rabbits or for babies out of my Jr. Litters for convention which are listed below.
Countryside Aurora X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Premonitions X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Mudslide X Hunneshagen's Nikko
Paris' Two does: Keeping Both until convention-Wait listed/reserved for Jessica Roberts, (Bumblebeary Angoras) and Suzanne Featherston
Mariah's Two Bucks: Keeping One- Other is Waitlisted/Reserved Carolyn O'donaly
Emily's Doe and Two Bucks- Doe:Keep, Bucks: Keep and Waitlisted/Reserved for Jessica Roberts(Bumblebeary Angoras)
Drama Queens 4 does and 1 Buck- Buck: Possibly Available. Does: One Waitlisted/Reserved for Carolyn O'donaly, 2 Keeping, One: Possibly Available
Out of My Sr. Litters For Convention the ones in Bold are the only ones still available. I Can still put you on a wait list for babies out of certain rabbits or for babies out of my Jr. Litters for convention which are listed below.
Countryside Aurora X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Premonitions X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Mudslide X Hunneshagen's Nikko
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Things are going back to normal in the bunny barn, very slowly, but they are going there. The first thing that was done was the cages were cleaned..that goes without saying! I am a huge believer in sanitation and good animal husbandry! The bunnies are now in a line up to be groomed and get ready for the fast approaching spring show season. Hopefully everyone will be looking there best before the first show. But I am still not feeling my best so these things take time along with making up a royal ton of schoolwork!

Some pictures that were taken before I came down with the flu! First is one of my jr. does for the spring line-up...a black tort out of the Mariah X Mohammed litter! She is stunning with wool to burn. Wondeful body with a great full hindquater and nice full shoulders, very smooth, risey and compact. This is a truly stunning jr. doe!

In my sr. litters I have: Silvertone Drama Queen; 5 REW; 4 Does 1 Buck 2nd pic
Countryside Paris; 2 Black tort Does 3rd pic (was three)
Countryside Mariah; 2 Black tort buck 4th pic
Adore's Emily; 1 Black Doe, 1 Blue Tort Doe, 1 REW Buck, 1 Black tort Buck (no pic)
These litters should be awesome! Waiting lists have been started so if you will be looking to purchase bunnies at or before convention now is the time to get your name down, while you can still get one!
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