I know it has been a while and I was meaning to update last week but then, disaster struck at Countryside Angoras! I fell extremely sick with the flu...not just the stomach flu or a touch of the flu but the FULL ON :( flu. SO I was horribly sick... my fever went up to 107 and I was out of it. After your temperature goes over 106 you can begin to have seizures luckily I did not, but I was extremely sick for over a week and I am still not feeling the best. I have lost an incredible 19 pounds in just over a week from not being able to eat. So I was unable to properly care for my bunnies. I still had to somehow muster the strength to get out of bed and go outside and across the yard which may not seem far normally but when you normally wouldn't be able to stand but know you have aniamls to take care of and get up it is a momentous task! My sister and brother helped but were way less than enthusiastic so I also had to supervise and deal with two very "unhappy to be helping" siblings. I ended up losing one of BIS GC Countryside Paris' babies so now I am down to 2. I also lost one of BIS GC Adore's Emily's babies as well in her litter 4 remain. My show coats look like crap becuase I couldn't groom and my cages went a whole week without getting cleaned, HOW SHAMEFUL! That is what I was truly disgusted over...it was not at all far to my bunnies!

Things are going back to normal in the bunny barn, very slowly, but they are going there. The first thing that was done was the cages were cleaned..that goes without saying! I am a huge believer in sanitation and good animal husbandry! The bunnies are now in a line up to be groomed and get ready for the fast approaching spring show season. Hopefully everyone will be looking there best before the first show. But I am still not feeling my best so these things take time along with making up a royal ton of schoolwork!

Some pictures that were taken before I came down with the flu! First is one of my jr. does for the spring line-up...a black tort out of the Mariah X Mohammed litter! She is stunning with wool to burn. Wondeful body with a great full hindquater and nice full shoulders, very smooth, risey and compact. This is a truly stunning jr. doe!

In my sr. litters I have: Silvertone Drama Queen; 5 REW; 4 Does 1 Buck 2nd pic
Countryside Paris; 2 Black tort Does 3rd pic (was three)
Countryside Mariah; 2 Black tort buck 4th pic
Adore's Emily; 1 Black Doe, 1 Blue Tort Doe, 1 REW Buck, 1 Black tort Buck (no pic)
These litters should be awesome! Waiting lists have been started so if you will be looking to purchase bunnies at or before convention now is the time to get your name down, while you can still get one!
Hi Collin, glad to hear you're feeling better. That flu is horrible.
Thanks! Unfortunatly today I am getting sick again...I don't know whats going on becuase I have been feeling better this week but again all the sudden I feel like crap again....I hope it goes away soon!
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