Sunday, February 24, 2008

BIS GC Adore's Emily Has Babies(Finally!)!!

Today BIS GC Emily had 6 babies! Yay! I was hoping for a good black to show and convention and it looks like I got one! She had what looks like 2 Black tort bucks, 1 REW doe, 1 Black Doe, 1 tort doe( this one most likely won't make it though:(... ) But I was happy! Emily was bred to Hunneshagen's Nikko. This litter concludes the births of my sr. litters! In the end it looks like I have ended up with 16 total babies broken down into 10 coloreds and 6 whites. Oh, almost forgot I do have the older babies out of Countryside Mudslide as well!! :) As I said before a waiting lists have been started for ALL bunnies! If you are interested you MUST let me know soon or you risk not being able to get one! This includes purchasing bunnies at convention! Thanks!

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