Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So, I have, in fact been home from convention for quite a while.....

My results:


BOV White and BOB Countryside Danielle also had Best White Wool

BOV Colored and Best Colored wool Countryside Jewel

2nd Place Colored Sr. Doe Countryside Desiree

Here is my BOB picture of Danielle:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

NY Convention.....Maybe?

I cannot afford to go to NYS Convention unless I have some definate bunny sales...So is anyone interested in getting bunnies there?? I have several great bunnies available...Let me know!!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cobleskill and Hamburg Shows!

Last weekend I went cobleskill which has one all bred show and one specialty for angoras! In the Open all breed show my White Sr Doe who doesn't have a name yet won BOV. Then in the specialty She won BOV again and I also put GC Countryside Desiree in the specialty and she won BOB and BIS!!!! This is her 3rd BIS! She wasn't entered in the all breed show....

Then yesterday in Hamburg...
Youth: BOB and 2nd Reserve in Show White Sr. Doe (unamed)
Open: BOB Countryside Jewel

These bunnies are really looking good!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008



Thanks for the comments on my sale post, I will clarify as to why I am asking these prices and why the bunnies are clipped:

Countryside Sambucca and Countryside Serina are clipped becuase I have school starting and I do not have enought time to maintain as many convention coats as I thought I would, however they are awesome bunnies with superb genetics. Wool grows back! But becuase they are still young and are not proven breeding animals they are at lower than normal prices! $85 for Sambucca and $115 for Serina.

Countryside Premonitions may be clipped but she is a killer bunny who is a proven mom. She is also a littermate to the doe that I won CONVENTION with GC Countryside Paris. Also I do not really want to sell her but I am out of cage space. That is why she is $450

Countryside Goddess is another killer who I am sure would have several BIS if she had not been clipped when she was a jr. I was very ill with the flu in spring and she had to be clipped. She is a littermate to GC Countryside Desiree who has TWO OPEN BIS. Goddess is also a proven dam. So she is $350

I am only 15 and I am not "money hungry" as someone tried to imply. I ask what I feel my bunnies are worth not a penny more. I do not use the Money for anything other than the bunnies too! I pay to go to all the shows with bunny money. As for that I can ask what I please as they are my bunnies. I do work with people when they cannot afford bunnies and try to find a way for them to be able to get a good bunny.

So everyone...while you may not like the prices that I have asked that is ok becuase they are for sale...that doesn't mean that you have to buy them. I am sorry if you don't like my prices but I have done my best to explain to you my reasoning. Thanks for your time!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Countryside Bunny wins BIS!

Last Sunday my good friend Dru Shepard won BIS OPEN with Countryside LJ Wyatt a tort Jr. buck bred myself and sired by GC Silvertone Jesse James and out of Reg. Countryside Promise the dam to my 2007 ARBA Convention BISY Winner GC Countryside Paris!

Congrats Dru! The judge also told her that her two sr does could have also won the BIS! Congrats!!!!

The best 4 Class Judge was Bob Shaftoe and the BIS Judge was Bob Frizell!

It is really something to win a BIS with a buck and also with a jr.....This animal was both!

Here is a picture of Dru and her bunny with judges:

Monday, August 25, 2008

Herd Reduction!

Since I kept many animals for my convention entry this year I have way to many bunnies to handle right now. School will also be starting soon and I need to focus more of time into my work with that, so I have decided to do a slight herd reduction and a few top quality bunnies will be available! Many at very low prices! Here is some of what I have already decided to sell. Others WILL be added to the list!

Countryside Sambucca
White Sr. Buck
BIS GC Adore's Emily X Hunneshagen's Nikko
Wonderfull buck! I was going to show him and keep him for a future breeding sire here at my rabbitry but with so many bunnies to take care of I had to clip him as I did not have the time to maintain yet another coat and I have more bunnies out of this cross that will be convention jrs so I don't really need him. He has a wonderful little body and superb lines! Will be a great sire!

Countryside Premonitions
Black Tort Sr. Doe
Reg. Silvertone Jester X Reg. Countryside Promise(3 legs)
Full littermate to BIS GC Countryside Paris who I won BIS at convention with last year! I really need room and I really hate to put this doe up for sale. If she doesn't sell that's fine with me too. She is JUST as killer as Paris is and is proven as a brood doe! WONDERFUL BUNNY!

Countryside Goddess
Blue Tort Sr. Doe
GC Countryside Mohammed X R/W/B Reg Silvertone Drama Queen
Full littermate to GC Countryside Desiree who I won two OPEN BIS with this spring! THis doe is just gorgeous! She will come clipped down. She is a proven brood doe. Wonderful type and great wool!

Countryside Serina
Blue tort Sr. Doe
BIS GC Adore's Emily X Hunneshagen's Nikko
Beautiful tort doe! Another bunny that is great and I just do not need her. I have several of her younger sisters and brothers as well as her dam. I would love to keep her but I just don't have room or time for this many bunnnies!!! Also comes clipped!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Correction on "hold" bunnies!

Countryside Jasmine was available again as her new owner had some unexpected home damage cost. BUT SHE IS NOW ON HOLD FOR ND!!! THANKS!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pics of Countryside Jewel!

Here are a few pictures of Countryside Jewel and up and coming Blue tort Sr. Doe. She is a Daughter of GC Silvertone Jesse James the 1st place colored sr. buck at convention(Open) She is one of my convention hopefulls for Kentucky which is fast approaching! All three pics are Countryside Jewel...Just different views! She is 7 months old.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Updates to Post below!

Hunneshagen's Nikko is ON HOLD FOR ND
Countryside Jasmine is ON HOLD FOR KL
Countryside_____(doe out of nikkoXpremonitions) is ON HOLD FOR ND

Monday, August 11, 2008

For Sale!!!!!

The following top quality animals are for sale to make room for growing up convention show animals! I would keep them all I am just completely out of cage space right now!

Hunneshagen's Nikko
Black Sr. Buck
Proven! Excellent lines! Clipped and has sired several litters! Great producer! Has a great pedigree with some of the best broken lines in the country! His mom is Hunneshagen's Noritake show at the 2006 angora nationals a SUPERB broken doe... IS registerable I just haven't done it yet!

Countryside Magnum
Blue Tort Sr. Buck
GC Countryside Mohammed X Reg Adore's In Question
Will come clipped. Very small and typy buck. Gorgeous wool with beautiful crimp texture and density! A true Mohammed beauty! Half brother to my BIS Winners from spring GC Countryside Moohshine 4 BISY and GC Countryside Desiree 2 BIS Open! Is registerable I just haven't done it yet!

Countryside Jasmine
Blue tort Sr. Doe
GC Silvertone Jesse James X Countryside Mudslide
Beautiful doe! Littermate to Countside Jewel. She was going to be a convention doe but when I got sick with the flu in the spring she was one of the coats that I lost. I was going to keep her for breeding becuase of her SUPERB TYPE AND WOOL but I have no open cages for jrs so sadly she must be sold! Is registerable I just haven't done it yet.
Ready August 16th:

Two Bucks out of Hunneshagen's Nikko and Countryside Premonitions(littermate to paris!) $125 each
Awesome potential here! Just not enough room to keep them all!!!!! VERY PROMISING! Gorgeous crimp already at young age!

1 Black Doe out of above cross $175 VERY PROMISING!!!!! Gorgeous crimp at young age!

Ready August 28th:

One Doe Out of Hunneshagen's Nikko X BIS GC Adore's Emily $200

At least one possibly two bucks out of same cross as above..$150 each


ALL FOR SALE BUNNIES HAVE TO BE SOLD ASAP AS I AM OUT OF CAGE SPACE!!!!! $25 discount on total purchase if purchased by August 20th!!!!! And discount on 3 or more bunnies!(have to be picked up soon also for discount)



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Spring Shows~!

I know I have fallen behind....So far this spring I have earned 6 All Breed BIS. My Most recent was an Open BIS at the Ithaca show over the weekend! Below are my BIS for the spring.

GC Countryside Moonshine
BISY Fulton Show B
BISY Govenuer Show A
BISY Govenuer Show B
BISY Frankfort Show A

GC Countryside Desiree
BIS Open Fulton Show B
BIS Open Ithaca

Thursday, May 8, 2008



Tuesday, May 6, 2008


As I sit here after grooming my Big Show Does thinking about the upcoming show, I think about the lineage and such of my show animals. The dam to my recent OPEN BIS WINNER is Silvertone Drama Queen! My dear friend Linda GAVE me this doe and I bred her to GC Countryside Mohammed and I got a BIS Winner! THANK YOU SO MUCH LINDA FOR ALL THE TEACHING YOU HAVE GIVEN ME!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Results From Fulton Show on April 26:

AM Show Open:

Countryside Desiree BOV, BOS Earned a leg

AM Show Youth:

Countryside Moonshine BOB, Honorable Mention for BIS

PM Show Open:

Countryside Desiree BOV, BOB, and BIS OPEN!!! Earned a Leg.

PM Show Youth:

Countryside Moonshine BOB. BIS YOUTH!!! Earned a Leg.

So in the second show Countryside Angoras Won BOTH BIS's!!! In the first youth show my friend Steven Won BIS Youth with his AWESOME REW Jersey Wooley Doe!!

Email to get on the waiting list for convention most are reserved!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Angora Nationals!

Congrats to all the winners!!! I hope to have some pictures to post soon! Our own Jack and Karin Baily won BIS in the Open national show! AND DRUM ROLL PLEASE.........Kristine Leverich of WI who has purchased numerous Countryside bunnies won BOV White in the Open National show with a buck that was just barely a sr.!!!! Congrats Kristine!!! Her buck has the same sire as BIS GC Countryside Paris who won BIS Youth at the 2007 ARBA Convention and is now raising two gorgeous baby girls!! Congrats Again to all the winners!!!!

Pictures of Countryside Desiree!!!!

Here are some pics of Countryside Desiree! She is a Tort Jr Doe (until the 15th) Sired by Countryside Mohammed and her Dam is Silvertone Drama Queen. She is truly gorgeous with awesome deep color! She is a half sister to Countryside Moonshine! I am so grateful I was able to save another coat that I thought was ruined while I was sick! She isn't perfectly back in shape yet and has a chewed spot on her coat growing back in but I am very happy and I hope to show her at Olean this weekend along with moonShine and my jr. doe!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pictures of MoonShine!

Here are some pictures of Countryside MoonShine a Black tort Jr. Doe that is currently our main show animal! She has a great body and as you can see she has some awesome wool for a Jr. Her only problem is that she is a little over jr. weight so she has to be shown as a senior. She has done fairly well so far and I can't wait to see how she does at the Olean show on the 12th!!! She is one awesome doe!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fulton Show!

Well we had a GREAT time at the Fulton show yesterday! I didn't win much with my 2 1/2 month old jr. doe or my 5 month old sr. doe but I still had a great time! The junior doe was one of the blue tort does out of the Jesse James and Mudslide litter and she did win the colored jr. doe class is the first show out of a whopping two rabbits. The sr. doe is really a jr. out of the Mariah and Mohammed and her name is Countryside MoonShine. She had to be shown in the sr. class becuase she was over junior weight. I am very pleased with the type on these animals! They have absolutly gorgeous bodies with lots of width carried all the way to the table!

My good friend Lori from Liberty Junction Angoras who owns Countryside Promise was there and she did great! She won BOS in the first show with Countryside Jasper and her amazing colored doe Countryside Cher was 2nd in a large and tough sr. doe class in both shows, you better be watching for Cher this spring! Lori had purchased Promise bred to Frick last August and these babies are a product of that. WAY TO GO LORI!

I also got to meet Catherine Styles of Buttercup Bunnies who is purchasing BIS GC Bbeary's Sposabella from Jessica Roberts. She was a wonderful person and I am happy to say that she reserved the GREAT REW buck available out of Drama Queen. So he is no longer available! Jessica was also at the Fulton show and we had a great time! Her rabbits looked great and her little buck GBF's Legend was just adorable! There was a woman coming around and said she was from a local radio station and asked us a bunch of questions and recoreded our answers it was a little odd but it was fun!

Brenda Hunneshagen who has incredible rabbits and has absolutly phenominal brokens was at the show and it was a treat to get to see her becuase Brenda and I are good friends but she doesn't come to shows that often anymore. Brenda won BOB in the first show with a REW sr. doe. Of Course Linda Cassella was there and she won BOB in the 2nd show with GC Silvertone Miss Lover Letters who was the 2nd place colored jr. doe at convention.

I am updating my website today so check it out at

Thats all for now! Email if you are interested in bunnies!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


In my sr. litters I have most bunnies already reserved or wait listed!!

Paris' Two does: Keeping Both until convention-Wait listed/reserved for Jessica Roberts, (Bumblebeary Angoras) and Suzanne Featherston

Mariah's Two Bucks: Keeping One- Other is Waitlisted/Reserved Carolyn O'donaly

Emily's Doe and Two Bucks- Doe:Keep, Bucks: Keep and Waitlisted/Reserved for Jessica Roberts(Bumblebeary Angoras)

Drama Queens 4 does and 1 Buck- Buck: Possibly Available. Does: One Waitlisted/Reserved for Carolyn O'donaly, 2 Keeping, One: Possibly Available

Out of My Sr. Litters For Convention the ones in Bold are the only ones still available. I Can still put you on a wait list for babies out of certain rabbits or for babies out of my Jr. Litters for convention which are listed below.

Countryside Aurora X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Premonitions X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Countryside Mudslide X Hunneshagen's Nikko

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I know it has been a while and I was meaning to update last week but then, disaster struck at Countryside Angoras! I fell extremely sick with the flu...not just the stomach flu or a touch of the flu but the FULL ON :( flu. SO I was horribly sick... my fever went up to 107 and I was out of it. After your temperature goes over 106 you can begin to have seizures luckily I did not, but I was extremely sick for over a week and I am still not feeling the best. I have lost an incredible 19 pounds in just over a week from not being able to eat. So I was unable to properly care for my bunnies. I still had to somehow muster the strength to get out of bed and go outside and across the yard which may not seem far normally but when you normally wouldn't be able to stand but know you have aniamls to take care of and get up it is a momentous task! My sister and brother helped but were way less than enthusiastic so I also had to supervise and deal with two very "unhappy to be helping" siblings. I ended up losing one of BIS GC Countryside Paris' babies so now I am down to 2. I also lost one of BIS GC Adore's Emily's babies as well in her litter 4 remain. My show coats look like crap becuase I couldn't groom and my cages went a whole week without getting cleaned, HOW SHAMEFUL! That is what I was truly disgusted was not at all far to my bunnies!

Things are going back to normal in the bunny barn, very slowly, but they are going there. The first thing that was done was the cages were cleaned..that goes without saying! I am a huge believer in sanitation and good animal husbandry! The bunnies are now in a line up to be groomed and get ready for the fast approaching spring show season. Hopefully everyone will be looking there best before the first show. But I am still not feeling my best so these things take time along with making up a royal ton of schoolwork!

Some pictures that were taken before I came down with the flu! First is one of my jr. does for the spring line-up...a black tort out of the Mariah X Mohammed litter! She is stunning with wool to burn. Wondeful body with a great full hindquater and nice full shoulders, very smooth, risey and compact. This is a truly stunning jr. doe!

In my sr. litters I have: Silvertone Drama Queen; 5 REW; 4 Does 1 Buck 2nd pic
Countryside Paris; 2 Black tort Does 3rd pic (was three)
Countryside Mariah; 2 Black tort buck 4th pic
Adore's Emily; 1 Black Doe, 1 Blue Tort Doe, 1 REW Buck, 1 Black tort Buck (no pic)
These litters should be awesome! Waiting lists have been started so if you will be looking to purchase bunnies at or before convention now is the time to get your name down, while you can still get one!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

BIS GC Adore's Emily Has Babies(Finally!)!!

Today BIS GC Emily had 6 babies! Yay! I was hoping for a good black to show and convention and it looks like I got one! She had what looks like 2 Black tort bucks, 1 REW doe, 1 Black Doe, 1 tort doe( this one most likely won't make it though:(... ) But I was happy! Emily was bred to Hunneshagen's Nikko. This litter concludes the births of my sr. litters! In the end it looks like I have ended up with 16 total babies broken down into 10 coloreds and 6 whites. Oh, almost forgot I do have the older babies out of Countryside Mudslide as well!! :) As I said before a waiting lists have been started for ALL bunnies! If you are interested you MUST let me know soon or you risk not being able to get one! This includes purchasing bunnies at convention! Thanks!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bunnies for Sale!!!!

Mr friend Laurie at Liberty Junction Angoras(Home of Countryside Promise Dam to BIS at Convention GC Countryside Paris) has two to quality sr. bucks for sale!! She is new to angoras so she "over groomed" them and pulled out a lot of their density but they have great lines are really nice bunnies. Countryside Jasper a REW sr. buck is priced at $150 and Countryside Murphy is priced at $50 with no pedigree or $100 with it. Pictures can be viewed at or on!!! Thanks!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Waitintg Lists!!!!

Just so everyone knows a waiting list for babies out of Paris and Emily has been started and are filling up! So if you are interested let me know ASAP or you risk not being able to get one! I can also start a waiting list for babies of Mariah and Drama Queen if you are interested, both are top producing proven does!!! Email me at to get on the lists!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Well I recieved quite a surprise when I went to check if I had babies! GC Countryside Paris had hers, some in the box, others out of it. I thought they were all dead because some were so cold that they were actually frozen together but I held them each for a few minutes and three started moving. Then I looked at the other nest boxes and what do you know? Silvertone Drama Queen had 5 babies all in the box but didn't pull any wool. So I took them all up to Gramma's to get them warmed. Then warmed up two wash clothes and put them into two seperate holes in paris' nest box.

Well when we had stopped at my dads to check on the bunnies we had been on our way to Jack and Karin Baily's home in Lyons NY for an angora lunch and club meeting. So we took the baby bunnies in the car under the heater with us the whole way. I have always left the babies with the mother but for the 1st few days I will be keeping them seperate this time.

Today when I went out to the barn Countryside Mariah had built a gorgeous nest and had 5 babies in it. Unfortunatly only 2 of the babies were alive. So it looks like right now I have 10 sr.s to pick from for convention. GC Adore's Emily isn't due until the 23rd I guess(she was bred several times) so maybe I'll get a few more to pick from. I am expecting theses bunnies to be amazing!

Some of these bunnies will have to be sold in a couple months so email me to get onto the waiting list now!!! Babies out of Paris will NOT be available until convention so email me now to get on the list for those too!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rabbitry Updates!

Sorry everyone I know its been awhile since I posted! We don't have alot going on in the rabbitry right now but there are some updates! The babies out of Mudslide and Jesse James are doing great and getting big fast! These babies have some of the cutest little faces! There are two black tort boys and two blue tort girls. These babies are really neat because they were born on New Years Eve!! Here is a picture of them!

I have also included a photo of one of the junior does out of the last round of litters. Here is a photo of Countryside Goddess a lilac tort jr. doe out of Silvertone Drama Queen and Countryside Mohammed. Goddesshas a wonderful body short, cobby, risey and wide... But wait, she has also superb wool with wondeful density, crimp and texture along with beautiful deep color! She is truly a show stopping rabbit!
Also due on the 16th are my sr. litters for the 2008 Convention in Louisville:
BIS GC Countryside Paris X GC Silvertone Jesse James
BIS GC Adore's Emily X Hunneshagen's Nikko
Red/White/Blue Reg. 2 legs Silvertone Drama Queen X GC Dark Star's Frick
Reg. 1 leg Countryside Mariah X GC Silvertone Jesse James
Hopefully everyone has their babies and all is well! Babies out of these litter will be available so if you are interested get your name down now as these babies will move! Thanks!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Alex's Angoras!

My friend Alex (Alex's Angora Acres) has top quality english angoras! She is in PA. She, like me, works hard and also shows in open quite a bit. Right now she has two show stopping bunnies that are sister and I think they will probably blow everything off the tables at PASRBA this weekend! They are just amazing!

Their sire is GC Silvertone High Voltage 16 legs(some youth) a FULL brother to my GC Silvertone Jesse James! The Dam is Charlie's Electra who has 9 legs. She was 1st place and best wool at the 2005 Convention in Indy(youth)!!!!

The does are Alex's Angora Acres Starfire: She has 2 BIS youths 5 BOB and 4 legs. She is an awesome blue tort. Pictured Below!

The other is Alex's Angora Acres Aries: Best Youth Wool at Convention(BOB+BIS GC Countryside Paris was not entered in wool) 5 BOB's and 4 legs. She has been shown in OPEN a lot! Pictured Below!

Alex has AWESOME bunnies and I expect her to do great this weekend at PASRBA! Unfortunatly I only have a young jr. doe to show right now so I won't be taking any BOB's.....:(

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Slow-Go on the Logo....NO!

Take a look to the left!

Big thanks to my friend Kristine Leverich who whipped up this beauty in about 5 mins for me last night! I love my new logo! Thanks So much Kristine!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sale Bunnies at PA Convention!

We will be at PA Convention next weekend and we will have some awesome bunnies for sale!
I have a black tort jr. doe. excellent wool and amazing HQ! She is $200. I have a blue tort jr. buck excellent wool! Has a very balanced body! He is $150. Very nice animals! Both sired by GC Countryside Mohammed. The buck is out out of Silvertone Drama Queen and the doe is out of Countryside Mariah!

I may have Grand Champion Dark Star's Frick available as well! He is proven has great wool and a great head! He will be $225 if he is available!

If are you interested in any of these bunnies let me know!

Email at

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sr. Breedings For Convention!

My Sr. breeding for the 2008 Convention in Louisville KY are now completed and I am really excited! I just cannot wait for convention, I miss the thrill, the complete insanity, the hotel rooms, the travel to get there, everything about it! I just don't feel like I can wait until October but I guess I have to!

My sr. breedings are as follows:
GC Silvertone Jesse James bred to BIS(convention 07) GC Countryside Paris

GC Silvertone Jesse James bred to Reg. Countryside Mariah 1 leg

GC Dark Star's Frick bred to Reg. Silvertone Drama Queen 2 legs(all REW litter)

Hunneshagen's Nikko bred to BIS GC Adore's Emily

These should be VERY exciting litters and I just can't wait!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pics from Yesterday!

Here are the pictures from yesterdays post! 1st and 2nd pics are out of Drama Queen(1st are of the does the 2nd is of the buck) and 3rd pic is out of Mariah(girlies). The 4th picture is our new litter out of Countryside Mudslide and sired by GC Silvertone Jesse James the first place colored sr. buck at convention!They are all really nice! IF you are interested let me know! Many does are already reserved! The buck is still available! Email me at for more details!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jr. Does (and 1 Jr. Buck) For Sale!!

I'm Sorry But I Couldn't get these Photos to Upload on this Computer. IF you want these Pictures please email me. If you can wait until tomorrow to Check back they will be here then!!!

Here are some pictures of the top quality english angora jr. does(and 1 jr. buck) for sale! They are all extremely nice and I feel are destined for great things! They are all sired by GC Countryside Mohammed and there dam is either Red/White/Blue reg. Silvertone Drama Queen(1st and 2nd pics) or Reg. Countryside Mariah 1 leg (3rd pic)!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Website Updated!

I just finished updating my site so check it out!!

Now GC Countryside Paris ends her Show Career!

Countryside Paris earned her Grand Championship on Sunday January 6th with BOB OPEN at Rochester. Countryside Paris has finished her show career beating over 6,000 rabbits! Her biggest win was BIS youth ARBA Convention 2007 Grand Rapids MI. She won another youth BIS at the Wine Country show in Ithaca NY November 11th and finished her show career by earning her last GC with BOB OPEN at Rochester! She is the best rabbit bred by Countryside Angoras so far and at 10 months old is still fresh and would be competitive if I weren't cutting her show career short.

In my opinion she doesn't need any more stress, I mean come on what does another win mean when shes already won the biggest thing she could! My main reason for taking her off of the show circuit is to start her career as a mom. Hopefully bred to GC Silvertone Jesse James the first place colored sr. buck OPEN at Convention she will produce the 2008 BIS ARBA Convention Winner! I expect her to be a wonderful mother just like her mom and am very excited to start her breeding career! I will take pics of her in the next few days without her coat!

Our new litter of 4 out of Countryside Mudslide and sired by GC Silvertone Jesse James is doing great and growing by leaps and bounds! It looks like we have 2 blue torts and 2 black torts in this litter! I will be doing most of sr. breedings for the 2008 ARBA Convention is Louisville Kentucky this weekend! Countryside Angoras WILL be attending and we are already making plans to be successful again New pics soon plus our website at will soon be completely updated, so check back often!

Right now we have several awesome jr. does and one jr. buck available! Email if you are interested!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Babies

I just wanted to let everyone know that on New Years Eve Countryside Mudslide bred to GC Silvertone Jesse James delivered 5 healthy bunnies!!! These are the first bunnies born in our new barn. With the pedigree these little ones have behind them they should be really nice! I will take some pictures in a few days. Hopefully when I go out to the barn tomorrow we will have a litter from Aurora as well. I am not to hopeful though as I don't think she is really bred. I guess we will know very soon! Also if you are interested in any quality jr does I have several available! Please email me at or call at 607-732-4314 Thanks!